Radio Halo

While Helen Knowles was Artist in Residence on the Setting Up Scheme she initiated and curated an exhibition at Jodrell Bank Science Centre and Arboretum. As an exhibition of site specific installations on the theme of astronomy, the show aimed to bring the abstract concept of looking at the universe into the physical world of the arboretum. Bringing together artists interested in the fusion of art and science, it provided a platform for the public, scientists and artists to discuss how we view the world.

Artists included Anna Hill, Leo Fitzmaurice, Ally Wallace, Benji de Burca. and jaygo Bloom.

Mixed media installation in the Arboretum, Jodrell Bank
Leo Fitzmaurice

Big Green Circle
Mixed media installation in the Arboretum, Jodrell Bank
Ally Wallace

Pamphlet for the exhibition